
After some great PR, testimonials and being featured on Ellen - we stepped in to help RockerMama scale their eCommerce operations to never before seen heights.

What we've done

1. Creative split testing

2. Data based audience curation for affordable CPA

3. Conversion rate optimization and strategic consulting

4. Diversifying traffic sources profitably

5. Driving record high sales days, weeks and months.

6. Curating new marketing angles to open up new customer avatars and promising scalability

7. Consulting and curation of new ad creatives

We had work to do

Being a startup, we boostrapped their way to scaling by reducing CPA by over 40% and operating over a 2.6x ROAS.

We were lucky to have a healthy amount of data coming onboard, and we were able to leverage this incredibly for creating high converting audiences with promising ROAS and doubling down on existing middle of funnel customers.

We were asked as to help with

— Scaling FB Ads Profitably

— Implementing stronger customer retention and recovery strategies

— Product launch strategies

— Structure a new, profitable, diversified advertising framework.

Together with the Reign Marketing team, we were able to set new sales records.